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Program Form

Turn Your Kid Into a Published Author

Do you have a storyteller in your life?

  • What if you could help them share their words in an ACTUAL BOOK?

  • What doors would open for them?

  • How would their perception of the world and their place in it change?

That's why we developed this program. So young writers can have the experience of becoming REAL PUBLISHED AUTHORS!!!            Have Questions? Contact Us to Learn More!


Join the I AM AN AUTHOR Program Today

Thanks for registering!

About the Program

  • The I AM AN AUTHOR Program is a four-month curriculum that meets on Zoom twice a month:

    • New sessions starting March 2024

    • Meetings will be recorded if the author cannot attend

  • Authors can enter the program with a story already written, a story idea, or no story at all

  • We will help the authors develop and refine their stories within the program

  • Advanced writing topics covered in the meetings will be 

    • Brainstorming story ideas

    • Developing the setting

    • Worldbuilding

    • Seven types of conflict

    • Elements of a story arch

    • Elements of a character arch

  • There will also be guest speakers to educate and inspire our authors:​

    • Teachers​

    • Authors

    • Graphic Artists

    • ...And More!

  • We will host breakout rooms to workshop stories with their fellow authors​

  • There will be two optional one-on-one meetings with the Program Director to help develop story or any writing block obstacles that occur during the process

  • Authors will submit drafts every month for editing

  • At the end of the program, authors will submit their final draft to our professional editor, and we will send it to our publishing house for formatting, to be available, on launch day on Amazon

  • All-inclusive fee for program: $550 (monthly payment plans also available--contact us for more details)


Our authors might even become #1 Best-Sellers in the process! 

Sign up for the I AM AN AUTHOR Program today!

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